Spiritual Practices - Talking with God

You will need to buy a pack of postcards for this session. The psalm could easily be used as a resource for worship, too.
Make two lists
o        Different kinds of prayer—e.g. praise
o        Different ways of praying—e.g. arrow prayer, liturgy
What do you find difficult about praying. Write a postcard to God describing the issues. Read out the results. If there is a range of issues, consider grouping issues together. You may end up with two main categories: Lifestyle issues and issues of belief and relationship.
Devotional prayer is about relationship. 
Read Psalm 25. This is one occasion where it works for individuals to read out individual verses. You could even try The Message on this occasion which brings out the relationship with God.
In twos and threes identify all the hints of a relationship between the psalm writer and God (I think there are at least 17 in the 22 verses). Before you start, you may want to give an example and also brainstorm what it means to fear God—taking him seriously may be as close as you get.
We can all develop better habits of prayer.
o        What one lifestyle adjustment would improve the quality of your devotional/relational prayer?
o        What one small change in attitude or thinking would improve the quality of your devotional/relational prayer?


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