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To keep up with the game we're now blogging at


which means you will see posts on Facebook on Twitter.  It will be great if you follow us there.

Dave Halls, 25/05/2011

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Talking about the cross from a Pentecostal perspective.

MP900449125Here are a few resources that may help with my CCT Good Friday talk.


You can find my source for the statistics here.

I have been strongly influenced by recent thinking done by James K A Smith on Pentecostal Epistemology. 

You can get his book here

or watch a lecture on the subject here.


My father's story can be found here and my mother's here.

The unedited script for my talk is here.

If you would like to pursue any of the ideas I have raised you should be able to comment below. 
To access other resources including information about current interests, please email me at


Dave Halls, 21/04/2011

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The opposite spirit

MP900386815This Sunday we were back to talking about the cross and made some small reference to spiritual warfare and the idea of ACTING IN THE OPPOSITE SPIRIT.

I first heard of this idea from Gerald Coates but I believe it might have developed in YWAM with Loren Cunningham, the founder.

Anyway, if you want to know more, here and here are two helpful articles which you can read at leisure.

Dave Halls, 08/03/2011

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Awesome cross of power

Its 10.20 on Saturday night.  I've got tomorrow's talk as far as I can - just a case of sleeping on it and praying the detail through in the morning.

Here are the bits you might want to follow up the session.

Wordles are a neat way of summarising and analysing text.  You can make your own at

Col 2

Colossians 2:13-15

1 cor 15


1 Corinthians 15:50-57

Here's the song which tells it better than I ever could. 


And if you want to see the longer version of the HBO clip of the Roman triumphal procession, including a gory reminder of what happens to defeated enemies...

Dave Halls, 05/03/2011

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How to pray for Egypt

Here's a quick Sunday link from Ruth which gives a valuable prayer angle on whats happening in Egypt.

Read more

Dave Halls, 06/02/2011

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Awesome cross of freedom and forgiveness

The base from which I am working totay is Ephesians 1:7

For by the blood of Christ we are set free, that is our sins are forgiven.

That says it all really but the other ideas come from Colossians 1:19b-23a and Galatians 6:1-5.

Here's the fantastic movie I am showing towards the end.

Dave Halls, 29/01/2011

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We're not the only ones...

iStock000013852845Smalljpgscal...who like stories. Here's a new site where you can post and read about life in the church.  Why not think about contributing?

Dave Halls, 28/01/2011

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Thunder letterbox
Today (in about five hours’ time) is the last chance I get for a while to talk about being aware of God’s closeness, though I probably have a couple more posts to do. Today I’m hoping that we get into conversation as well as look at the Bible. But here’s what I plan to cover from the Bible.
Three times in three and a bit years, there were reports of God’s speaking aloud to Jesus: at his baptism and at a later highly spiritually charged time.
The last occasion was on the day Jesus got a celebrity welcome as he arrived in Jerusalem. Some foreign visitors, interested in the Jewish religion had asked to see Jesus
It seems pretty clear that Philip and Andrew, both of whom were on Jesus’s team, were pretty impressed with this. But when they told Jesus, he was in reflective mood, thinking about his impending death. Jesus suddenly turns to prayer and says, ‘Father glorify your name’.
John, who was there when it happened, explains what happened next
Then a voice came from heaven, ‘I have glorified it, and will glorify it again.’ The crowd that was there and heard it said it had thundered; others said an angel had spoken to him.Jesus said, ‘This voice was for your benefit, not mine.’
  • Jesus’s communication was finely tuned enough for him to be able to hear God’s voice. But that was not true of anybody else around
  • The great majority thought they heard thunder. They were just aware of something that could be experienced in the material world.
  •  The more spiritually aware, heard the noise and filled in the blanks. While they were pointing in the right direction—they knew there was something out there—they didn’t get the content. They thought an angel had spoken to him. That kind of thing when we have a little bit of knowledge and stretch it to explain everything that happens is called Jackass knowledge.
  • Some, including John, actually heard the words.
So where does this story, which has a high percentage of weird, leave us. 
  • Firstly, even in a culture which was hugely more tuned in to spiritual phenomena, there were some people who didn’t get it at all. The sound was explained by physical events in the physical world.
  • Secondly there were a group of people, who used the knowledge they had to fill in the blanks. They didn’t actually hear what was going on but they mad a spiritual experience out of it. I think that’s where most of us spiritual pilgrims exist most of the time. 
  • The next, privileged, group, heard the words. This must have given them some advance indication of what it would be like to hear God with greater spiritual awareness after the Spirit came. At this point the Spirit had not taken over from Jesus physical presence.
  • Only Jesus had a straight spiritual experience. He heard the message without the words.
The question is: ‘How do we move from thunder, to visions of angels, to exceptional words, to a continuing conversation with God, in the person of Jesus, through the Spirit?

Dave Halls, 18/07/2010